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Why do sales people hate crms?

Most CRMs have been implemented by managers for managers.

Focus ends up being a tool to monitor and not a tool for sales people to develop relationships with their customers.

It ends up being a place to load data for reporting and not a sales tool.

Less time building relationships = less results = more frustration.

What do we do to avoid this?

➡️ Co-create the sales process with people from the commercial area

➡️ Put productivity and revenue above data. Reporting and insights will come accordingly.

➡️ Automate where it makes sense to drive people productivity and business development

Trust me, it is possible to hear:

I love CRM", as long as you think adoption first. 🚀

What has been your experience with CRMs?

Good sales!


We are experts and we can help you, schedule a meeting with me here.

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